This wasn't my planned post today but having reached the end of my tether yesterday I decided that for my own accountability as well as sharing what I learnt with you, it would be good to post this today. Sleep. We love it! We feel better for getting lots of it! When we don't sleep well though we feel sick, miserable, fed up and frustrated. And it can affect our health and fat loss - it is just as important, if not more important for fat loss, than calories! I have a long history with insomnia and each time it gets me it is for a different reason, baby not sleeping through the night, stress, phobia, anxiety to name a few. Unfortunately though it is very much a modern problem that is causing so many of us to lack quality sleep now. And yet we don't do anything about it. We keep ignoring the problem and hoping tomorrow will be better. We are addicted to our smart phones (TV or iPad) - modern technology. I talked about going 24 hour phone free a few months ago, unfortunately I have not repeated it often enough - see my post here. Modern technology emits a blue light and this blue light interrupts our circadian rhythm and ability to produce melatonin, the essential hormone needed to make us feel sleepy. I'm not going to delve into the science bit, it is readily available online but I am going to share with you my action plan and the advice I have been given both from doing The 8020 Lifestyle Plan and from speaking to a sleep expert yesterday.
I've had a difficult summer with stress and it hasn't helped my ability to sleep properly, I either can't get off to sleep (probably due to the blue light of smart phone addiction) or I wake up in the middle of the night with a hot flush/night sweat (due to peri-menopause). The result is I'm exhausted. It does make my insomnia harder to solve due to having Sleep Initiation Insomnia and Sleep Maintenance Insomnia but first of all I am going to deal with the Sleep Initiation: I've got into bad habits and here is my action plan for change:
My plan is to have a wind-down time and be more strict about keeping to it. So no mindless scrolling on social media after about 8 pm, then I shall watch some TV downstairs in the lounge, have a relaxing hot bath then read a book. The experts suggest that you should not even read in bed. Bed is for sleep and sex. I am not sure I am keen to give up reading in bed so I am going to experiment with that one and see how I get on. Even light-bulbs emit a certain amount of blue light although a bedside table lamp is still far preferable to the blue light from our devices. There are alternative light-bulbs and a quick google search turned up this article but so far I've not found a UK company that sell this type of bulb - more research needed! I am told that it will take 2 -3 weeks of sticking to this new routine to break my old habits and see results. If I can tackle the Sleep Initiation then I can then look at the Sleep Maintenance around my peri-menopausal symptoms, but one thing at a time! There is some more great advice at The Sleep Council or I spoke to an expert at The Sleep Disorders Clinic. Love Michelle xx
Last year I really lusted after the Baukjen leather leggings, a few weeks ago I gave in and ordered them. But they didn't suit me at all. I ordered a few bits from Baukjen but I found all the tops came up really big - I ordered 8's and then downsized to 6's but they were stil too big. I did keep one item which I will share below. But the leather leggings were too tight - just too difficult to get on and too tight in the leg. My conclusion - Baukjen is for tall, lanky ladies, not short ones like me! So the leather leggings got sent back along with some very lovely (but too big) knitwear. Which got me thinking, am I really going to wear £349 worth of leather leggings? I wanted to try them but I am probably quite relieved they weren't right for me. Now to the alternatives ... Black leather look tregging from Mint Velvet at £79, these are leather look at the front and stretch fabric at the back. I have had them for the last couple of years and love them. Black shine legging from Mint Velvet at £35, now again I have these and despite feeling a bit Oliva Newton John in them, they are actaully very nice and really do look like leather so I'd definitely recommend trying them on. I sized up to a medium but I do feel they need pulling up on the waist a bit, they do have a very wide flattering waist band and are ideal for going out to dinner! I've just spotted that Mint Velvet have an online exclusive real leather trouser this year but at £399 they had better be good! I won't be trying them but if anyone else does, do let me know! Then there are waxed or coated jeans and leggings which I think do have that 'leather' look about them and can really dress up an simple jumper for daytime or a pretty blouse in the evening. They make a change from just black jeans and add a different contrast to outfits which are more similar to leather. I have two pairs from Next (which are very blogger popular and raved about), my problem with Next is that I am between an 8 and a 10, this year I have sized up to a 10 and have them in black and berry but they are a little generous on the waist. The style is high waisted which is good and they are very reasonably priced. They are very difficult to find on the website so use this link - Pull on Coated Leggings £26. I also have a pair from Boden which are more jeans style with button and zip - Mayfair Skinny Jeans from £50. I wore them for the first time yesterday and they are a definite hit! So guess what, I've ordered another pair with a 20% off offer and a £10 voucher they sent me, bringing them down to £35. And a few other recent purchases to share with you. First of all the Baukjen top I mentioned to start with. The Lily Relaxed Top at £69 is perfect for this in-between weather and I have worn it a lot with my poncho from Jigsaw. Size down though! Today flicking through the Hush catalogue I spotted their Ellie Merino Scarf in Aqua Sea but at £69 I thought it was too much. It was styled with a grey cashmere jumper and leather leggings. So I set out to recreate this look but for less money. I have the leggings and I have a grey jumper but I needed the scarf so I headed over to Sweet-Bea my favourite online scarf and accessories shop and ordered one of theirs at £17.50, I think it will work! Look out on Instagram for an update when it arrives - Plain Knit Scarf in Light Teal/Aqua. And finally I am about to order this gorgeous jumper from Hush (well I am going to order it from John Lewis as I have vouchers)! I will let you know what it is like but I do love an easy to wear boyfriend jumper on lazy days. A few additions to the winter wardrobe, I hope some inspire you too.
Love Michelle xx I love this simple recipe and often share it with friends or on one of the online support groups so I thought why not share it here too. I make it whilst I am cooking dinner and pop it in the fridge and then I can just grab it in the morning - breakfast with no thinking, works for me! 50 g porridge oats 15 g ground flaxseed 25 g or 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder (see below for info) 100 ml almond milk (use whichever milk you like) 50 g yoghurt (I use Skyr or Total as these are the healthiest options) Put it all in a bowl and mix it up. Top with some berries - I keep raspberries in the freezer and by morning they have defrosted and are ready to eat. Here I used fresh strawberries as I do a big one for me and a little one for my daughter and she prefers strawberries! That's it!
If you try it, do let me know how you get on. My regular Instagram account is Fifty_andFab but you can also follow my health and fitness account here michelle_fitatfifty I post recipes, meal ideas and lots of motivation stuff. Love Michelle xx A note about protein powders - use a reputable brand, there are a lot of 'fakes' about i.e. it doesn't contain the amount of protein stated. For this recipe I like Chocolate Silk from The Protein Works. I buy it online and go for the 100% whey advanced. In so many of my posts - especially UK holiday ones, I mention my Uniqlo ultra light down jacket. In fact I've mentioned it so many times that I decided it needed a post of its very own. Problem is Uniqlo have changed the design this year. Sooo annoying! First of all a little background. I love to look smart and really admire bloggers who wear lovely fitted blazers and I do own a couple but most of the time they just don't work for my lifestyle. Now do these ladies really wear these dresses and jackets all day every day? To do the housework? When I started my blog I wanted it to be a realistic representation of day to day fashion for a fifty year old housewife and mother. I hope I am achieving this. Last year I invested in a Barbour International jacket in black. I spent quite a bit of time choosing as I wanted it to be warm but also smart and stylish. I love it, it is very warm indeed but it had one little problem, it has no hood. Why not? I don't understand why the designers don't put in a simple hood hidden in the collar. I'd already purchased an ultra light down jacket from Uniqlo the previous year but again, no hood (see photos further down). Now I am often out and about and my umbrella is always 'in the car' never with me and if I am running from errand to errand I just want to be able to cover my hair to avoid the dreaded frizz. Along with my shopping bags and bags for life by the way - always 'in the car'. Last year for my 50th birthday I had a lovely day out with my family and my younger sister was wearing a very gorgeous khaki colour jacket - with a hood - and from Uniqlo. The next time I was in Westfield London I stopped by Uniqlo and purchased a navy blue jacket with a hood and I have worn it and worn it. It tends to suit autumn, spring and even summer rather than really cold winter days - but when it is really cold it doesn't often rain so then out comes the Barbour as it is warmer. I do sometimes layer it up though - when it has been really cold I wear it under my North Face coat, it is so lightweight that it is possible to do that and not feel like an eskimo. Then my daughter started borrowing it! So off we went to Uniqlo a few weeks ago to get her one and guess what - they have changed the design. The shiny fabric has been replaced with a matt finish and sorry but I just don't like it as much. They still have the shiny fabric - but with no hood! Anyway, do take a look if you are passing Uniqlo or have a browse online. I understand that stylish Parisian ladies buy their 'vests' in the ultra light down and wear them under their smart jackets - maybe that is what the other bloggers I follow do?! They are warm and easy to pack - you can literally squash them into a bag, backpack or suitcase and always have it with you. In the meantime I am on the lookout for something similar for my daughter or mine will be missing when I need it! Here are a few ideas with a similar price tag to Uniqlo: Next have a 'packable jacket' in a choice of 4 colours - see here. Decathlon have x-light trekking jacket by Quechua - see here. Zalando have one in their 'essentials' range - see here. Happy shopping! Love Michelle xx |
Michelle ...Welcome to Fifty & Fab – a lifestyle blog to inspire and empower women over 50. I’m passionate about sharing insights on health, menopause, fitness, beauty, and style, tailored just for you! Categories
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![]() Hi, I’m Michelle and my blog Fifty & Fab is all about my journey into and through my 50s. I started this blog in 2016 with the purpose of helping other women at this stage of life. I’m delighted that my blog has grown to over 13k visitors per month. Visit my Work with Me page and request my Media Kit for details of product reviews, blogging services and social media content creation.
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February 2025