Marion Assuied is a busy woman, she is the former CEO of premium cosmetics brand, By Terry, and she has just launched new natural skincare brand INUR, as well as running a busy home with three children ... how does she do it? Having reached burnout back in 2019 Marion realised something needed to change, her stress levels were through the roof and her lifestyle and schedule were crazy! She completely overhauled her routines, and started to practice yoga and meditation, then saw a nutritionist and overhauled her diet. The result was more energy and more serenity.
But this new focus on healthy living made Marion realise that we spend hours focusing on the health of our inner body and mind but what if we gave as much attention to our skin? Lockdowns offered a chance to slow down further and develop her idea for a new skincare brand and INUR was born. Skin is the largest organ of our body and our face is the most exposed area. Marion worked closely with a nutritionist to improve her own skin health after focusing on her body had given such life changing results. INUR is a natural skincare brand - backed by nature and science - to help us overhaul our nutrition and lifestyle routines so we can look after ourselves both on the inside and on the outside. INUR only uses natural and clean ingredients to provide the best skincare products using aloe vera and matcha from Jeju Island - a UNESCO world heritage site with clean winds, intense sunlight, mineral water from volcanic rocks and land with optimal conditions for plant growth. This means that the aloe vera and matcha grown on Jeju Island demonstrate the best efficacy to maximise the efficiency of the INUR skincare products. The aloe vera and matcha is then combined with prebiotics and probiotics, all rigorously tested to ensure they are the most clinically proven super biotics available. This is a gifted blog post.
Have you ever dreamt of what you will do in your retirement? I am sure we all have ... I am not a huge fan of early retirement; research suggests that we might actually live longer if we work longer! But I do like the idea of retirement meaning a less pressurised lifestyle, more time off for holidays and relaxation. Taking time to slow down and enjoy life, family and hobbies. But still maintaining a sense of purpose maybe with a part-time job or by giving something back in a volunteer role. And of course, most importantly we want a healthy retirement with financial freedom so that we can continue enjoying living life to the full!
On this blog post I am sharing my plans for a fun retirement and some tips on how we can enjoy this more relaxed time in our lives! This is a sponsored blog post with Pension Buddy. Bladder leakage in menopause | and how Modibodi are helping with their new leak proof underwear21/6/2022 It is fantastic that menopause is being much more openly discussed amongst women, with our friends, at work, online and our partners. The Davina documentaries and experts like Dr Louise Newson have really helped open up the conversation. We are not there yet - however, our generation are paving the way for a much-needed overhaul of menopause understanding. But there are still some things that we find more awkward to talk about, the embarrassing menopausal symptoms that we don't often own up to including sexual health, libido, vaginal dryness, stress incontinence and bladder leakage and especially their effect on our relationships.
On my blog I don't want to shy away from those conversations and I am slowly being more honest about my struggles and sharing my own menopause story in the hope that I can help other women looking for guidance. Knowing you are not alone is reassuring and gives us confidence to find solutions. You may still feel unable to talk about some more personal symptoms openly but I hope finding a friendly blog post can help - and don't forget you can always email me in complete confidence. World Continence Week runs from 20th to 26th June 2022 and is run by the World Federation of Incontinence and Pelvic Problems (WFIPP). Bladder leakage in menopause is a very real problem and one that we should be more willing to seek help for. This blog post is sponsored by Modibodi, a company set up in 2013 by Kristy Chong, with the aim of starting her own brand to change underwear (and our mindsets) for the better. After the birth of her second child, her experiences with bladder leaks made her determined to design better products to offer protection against leaks and encourage us to talk about the 'unmentionable' bladder leaks. Kristy Chong, designed, developed, and scientifically proved her patented Modifier Technology™ which resulted in Modibodi’s first leak-proof undies. Modibodi now includes an extensive range for periods, bodily fluids and urinary incontinence, including underwear, leggings, shorts and swimwear. Hello, how are you? I have quite honestly been feeling utterly rubbish! Emotional and anxious ... the past 3 months I have been in a gradual decline of returning menopause symptoms, but it took me a while to realise something wasn't right! It's only when you lose something you realise just how important it was! I had been successfully on a steady dose of Oestrogel (4 pumps) since 2019 after I spent 2018 feeling a bit fed up and working out that I was very sensitive to progesterone and having to navigate my options, but ... The first really obvious symptom to return was a frozen shoulder* (also known as adhesive capsulitis) but now looking back I can see that other symptoms were lurking too, but typically like most menopausal women I didn't link them all together. They included a return of sore, dry eyes, dry skin, heart palpitations, anxiety, brain fog, low mood, volatile emotions, serious overwhelm and lack of focus. Finally I made an appointment to see my GP and she requested a blood test. My results confirmed what my symptoms had been shouting at me for weeks but I had ignored. My oestrogen had dropped to 97 - the ideal level is between 400 and 800. No surprise I was feeling rubbish then! *Although frozen shoulder isn't listed as a symptom of menopause, from talking to other women and listening to their experiences, I am absolutely sure it is, and my doctor agrees! |
Michelle ...Welcome to Fifty & Fab, a lifestyle blog designed to inspire and empower you. As a dedicated blogger, I share my passion for health, menopause, fitness, beauty, and style, with a special focus on women over 50. Categories
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Hi, I’m Michelle and my blog Fifty & Fab is all about my journey into and through my 50s. I started this blog in 2016 with the purpose of helping other women at this stage of life. I’m delighted that my blog has grown to over 13k visitors per month. Visit my Work with Me page and request my Media Kit for details of product reviews, blogging services and social media content creation.
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