I've had this nagging feeling for a while that I have too much clutter! Too many clothes, too many posessions. When it came to writing a birthday and Christmas wish list I struggled as I tend to buy what I want or need as I go along. Turn the clock back 15+ years and life was very different of course. When I gave up work to stay at home with my son we really struggled for money. But life has got easier, I was happy I didn't have to go back out to work, that I was able to bring up my children myself. Then when I saw posts on instagram and faceook about Christmas gifts I had an unesasy sense of too much excess, that we all just have too much than we really need. It all just seemed rather too indulgent, I felt we had lost of sense of what Christmas is all about. When my children asked me waht I wanted to Christmas I said 'for us all to be together, happy and celebrating, quality family time'. I got that wish and it meant a lot to me. My husband bought me a diamond necklace for my 50th birthday, it is absolutely gorgous and is something I have wanted for a while, but it cost a lot of money so as my birthday is just before Christams I asked him not to buy me anything else, the necklace was more than enough for both. So when it came to New Year New Goals I started thinking. Less is More. Quality over Quantity. I admit I tend to buy more clothes due to a lack of confidence in myself. I love clothes and I like to look nice. For years, I didn't have much and so now I can afford to buy more I have made the most of it. But I am now seeing that I'd like to streamline things a bit. I'd like a stylish capsule wardrobe that works for me, that is full of good quality classic items. My one wish has always been to be able to go to my wardrobe and have something suitable to wear for every occasion without the need to rush out and panic buy. I think I am getting there. Of course it is a ongoing process, things wear out, spring holes or just get generally tired so there is always a need to replace and rejuvinate. I've not been full on sale shopping yet although I have had a little look in the shops and online. I did buy a classic black wool coat from Fenn Wright and Manson at John Lewis just before Christmas when the reductions started and I think it is a good buy. But in truth I have looked at the sales and so far not found anything that has inspired me at all. There is nothing I really need right now. I read a couple of posts by Avril at School Gate Style this week. She was mulling over her future as a blogger, it bothers her that she in some way encourages us readers to spend more. We see sometning she is wearing and feel we need to rush out and buy it. I know I am guilty of that. I hope that some of my posts and instragram photos inspire outfit ideas rather than the need to buy something. Avril has now decided to do the 30/30 Challenge - she she has chosen 30 items from her wardrobe and will wear just them for 30 days. I will be keen to see how she gets on. I am not sure how I will turn my Less is More, Quality over Quantity mantra into reality. But I am planning to think about it and have it in the back of my mind before over spending. My husband would of course be delighted to see me saving some money! Although I suspect I may just spend the same but on less - better quality items that last. I'd love to hear what you think? Love Michelle xx My look book below. Classic items. A classic mac, good quality cashmere, one handbag that works for most casual outfits, black, red, simple colouring for a mix n match capsule wardrobe. Now how to make it happen?!
12/1/2017 05:54:38 pm
I've just started decluttering using the KonMarie method for decluttering and it's working wonders. The wardrobe was first and I got rid of loads of items that didn't 'spark joy'. Now I find it easy to chose what to wear as I love all my pieces, would really recommend a look! X
13/1/2017 09:40:34 am
I've heard of KonMarie method of decluttering and all good things about it but I've not looked into it yet.
15/1/2017 11:20:11 am
I read the KonMari book and I have used her approach but I wish I had more time to do it properly! x
13/1/2017 09:38:38 am
I've recently been thinking about my wardrobe and how I have so much hanging there but only ever wear the same few things over and over again. I work part time from home and so there's usually no need to dress up. I've been attempting to have some sort of uniform for the weekdays which would make it so much easier to get ready in the morning. I'm also attempting to declutter a little at a time but it takes so long!
15/1/2017 11:16:33 am
I think a 'uniform' would work really well, keep it simple but smart so you feel like you have made an effort x
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