Happy New Year everyone!
Well I don't know about you but I am (a) delighted to be back to normal return but (b) finding all the information I am being emailed or bombarded with on Facebook a bit too overwhelming. Everyone wants me to start a new diet or plan or book a holiday or try new recipes. Give me a break, let me catch my thoughts please! I've been 'unsubscribing' left right and centre these last few days. Yesterday my husband went back to work so I am using the opportunity of a quiet house to have a good sort out, tidy up and a bit of a de-clutter. Having taken some time off any formal exercise for 6 weeks or so I am keen to get back to a routine now. I didn't over-indulge over Christmas but I did relax my own rules a little. I did so well in 2016, after my ski holiday I made a firm pact with myself to get fit and eat well and I achieved so much. I started 2017 full of determination to continue the new lifestyle I thought I had created but I just didn't manage it. Overwhelming stress and menopausal problems meant I spent the last 6 months or so of 2017 feeling quite unwell, exhausted and certainly not healthy. And so we come back to what my husband coined 'information overload' - I love this term and he is so right. It comes at us from every angle but mostly via social media and email and it is too confusing. Life really doesn't have to be that complicated. I am currently reading The Four Pillar Plan by Dr Chatterjee (I love his TV programme 'Doctor in the House' and I am absolutely loving his book (just released). It is simple and easy to read and sums up in very obvious terms how we can make our lives healthier and feel better. If you do nothing else this January - read this book. I'm allowing myself this week to get back on top of my housework, my routine, the paperwork etc then I will be concentrating on how to fit some good lifestyle choices back into my day. I am going to pick out from all the information I receive what I think is best for me to concentrate on right now. I am working with Bev Thorogood who has devised a fantastic habit change and coaching programme - Floresco Diamond - I told you about it on my blog here. I have all the information I learnt with the 8020 Lifestyle Plan last year so I will be embracing this knowledge. But most importantly I will allow myself time to make better choices and create better habits slowly rather than rush at it and give up by the end of January! I am not keen on January new year resolutions. But it does still feel like a good time to re-evaluate a little after all the indulgences during the festive season. So I think relax and allow yourself some time is the way forward. Love Michelle xx
Ann Worledge
4/1/2018 09:50:08 pm
Michelle. So with you on the unsubscribing! I prefer to set some realistic goals in November and realise them in January! I am following 8020 recap and loving it and it’s down to you that I found it! Thank you!
5/1/2018 09:38:49 am
I so love getting a message or comment where I have been able to make a little bit of difference to someone, thank you. I'm really pleased you are finding 8020 helpful - I have loved the education too. I am still busy unsubscribing, I am making it a habit that when I get an email that I don't need I unsubscribe immediately. Hopefully I can reduce my inbox to all the lovely stuff I do enjoy! xx
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![]() Hi, I’m Michelle and my blog Fifty & Fab is all about my journey into and through my 50s. I started this blog in 2016 with the purpose of helping other women at this stage of life. I’m delighted that my blog has grown to over 13k visitors per month. Visit my Work with Me page and request my Media Kit for details of product reviews, blogging services and social media content creation.
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February 2025